Essay by: ISP028
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is an emergent procedure designed to preserve blood circulation to the brain in the event of cardiac arrest. In discussing ways that I might promote CPR awareness in the Lay Rescuer, it is first necessary to expound upon three essential questions. Question One: Can we train people to be effective cardiopulmonary resuscitators? Question Two: What are the practical ways to train laymen for effective CPR? Question Three, when is the proper time in the lifespan to begin CPR training in the lay community?
With regards to Question One: according to the American Heart Association, 70% of victims may feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency. What is more, only eight percent of individuals who suffer a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital survive. The problem seems to be of confidence. Albert Bandura (1986), having studied self-confidence, has shown through several years of cognitive research that self-confidence is one of the biggest influential motivators in people’s everyday lives. This brings us to Question 2. A study published in Circulation showed that individuals who watch an instructional video on CPR are significantly more likely to attempt CPR, addressing our question of confidence in the community. However, it also points to an effective dissemination modality. That is: media. We might save lives through regular tuning videos.
In expounding upon Question Three, and bolstering our address of Question Two, I point to an anecdote. In 2011, nine year old Tristin Saghin saved his sister’s life by performing CPR he had seen recently in the movie, “Black Hawk Down”. Again, we see the power of media. However, we also see that CPR education should begin in early childhood.
If given an opportunity, I would bolster community confidence(i.e swagger) of CPR administration throughout the lifespan by providing “community tuning” videos!