Essay by: ISP058
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) has always been a frontline intervention to saving lives. Ever since the development of CPR in 1960 countless lives have been saved. Traditionally, CPR has gone by the model of ABC (airway, breathing, and compressions) but, has recently switched to CAB (compressions, airway, breathing). In 2008, AHA released a statement stating, Chest Compression should be performed prior to providing breaths (Heart, 2008). By providing compressions first, CPR being performed has increased, which has lead to an increase in lives saved.
Why the sudden change? Studies have shown the compression-first routine eliminates time wasted opening airways for breaths and makes it more likely that lay bystanders will attempt CPR in public settings (Poetra, 2011). As a bystander, you will be performing CPR on a total stranger, unaware of any communicable diseases, illness or health history. When dealing with the unknown, performing compressions is more likely to occur than providing breaths to a complete stranger. Compression-only CPR was apparently more appealing, with the annual rate at which bystanders attempted CPR rising from 28% in 2005 to 40% in 2009 (Poetra, 2011). The importance of providing chest compressions first, is seen in the increase in bystanders performing CPR, resulting in more lives saved.
History of CPR. (n.d.). Reference Link Reference Link
Potera, C. (2011). From ABC to CAB for CPR. American Journal of Nursing, 111(1), 17. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000393047.48321.2D